A Success Story: Because of Alice's Kids

Success Story: Because of Alice's Kids
A student was referred to me for CIS services from her counselor.  She was new to the school, and moved here from her home country.
I visited with her briefly, and gave her the CIS consent form.  
Afterwards, I started the assessment process, and asked her a few questions, so that I can get to know her.
One of the questions: "what are you good at?"  Her response was "art and playing the guitar.""
What does it do for you?  
"It's therapy, and helps me relax."
"Are you still enjoying those things"
"I'm doing art in one of my classes, so yes.  But I couldn't bring the guitar, so I had to leave it.  I feel bad, because my grandfather gave it to me when I was ten years old."
Ms. Pèrez was so touched by that, that she immediately went to work, and reached out to one of her resources.  And in less than a week, the request was approved for an Amazon gift card, to purchase an acoustic guitar.  When she saw the box, she broke into tears.  
A little later that evening, the Mom sent me this photo, with a note in Spanish from my student.
Muchas gracias por tener este detalle para mi.  Le agradezco mucho, y tambièn a las personas que contribuyeron en esta sorpresa.  
Thank you so much for having this detail for me.  I appreciate you so much, and also to the people that contributed to this surprise.  
Thank you Alice's Kids for always being #AllinForKids
Dolores Pèrez
Site Coordinator 
Lukin High School